Saturday, January 19, 2008

All Pharmacists Cannot Be Nancy Reagan

Not quite an explosion onto mainstream media, more like a dribble over the affiliates, it has recently made national news that the Indiana General Assembly is trying again to pass an old bill that would create/ease a pharmacist’s “right to refuse” service, in this case based upon religious belief (among other factors). While there are already several states that support this practice by law, there’s no time like the present to address the situation either with national interest or in all remaining states.

This is not a new issue. “Right to refuse” clauses or “conscience” clauses, specifically as they relate to abortion drugs, have been around since Roe v. Wade. Clicking here gives a great breakdown of all the states pushing legislation in one direction or the other over this topic. Clicking here shows the verbiage in the formerly proposed Indiana bills.

Okay, so we all know where the argument goes. On one side it’ll aim to say that if any pharmacists are allowed to do this, then what’s stopping them from exercising a “right to refuse” over any other drug beyond morning after pills or any other customers beyond pregnant or possibly pregnant women? After all, a law cannot name a specific product or group. The other side will claim that these pharmacists are providing a Samaritan human service by “refusing,” similar to a firefighter that rescues a baby from certain doom or a conscientious objector soldier who refuses to fire in war. I’d like to take the discussion out a little wider than abortion drugs, though.


Bobby Fischer

I don’t know what the blogging equivalent of a moment of silence would be, but I’d like to make one for Bobby Fischer. Having passed yesterday,1/18/2008, the famed Fischer was a never-ending inspiration to logicians and chess enthusiasts like me. Where “inspiration” would fail to articulate what he meant to the world, “paragon” might better scratch the surface. He was enigmatic, dauntlessly passionate, and an icon of fragile, human Americana even beyond his time as an American citizen. Yes, the very notion of his passing ripples through the chess world like an earthquake of sadness and loss. To whatever degree he was the living embodiment of the art of chess, his death is all the more palpable, an unbeatable king laid down in resignation.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bar None

While I’m not up enough on the early release of AP affiliate news around the globe to bring you information you probably haven’t already heard, I did think this article about the proposal to ban swearing in St. Louis bars deserved some further debate.

The article contends that police officers in the area need greater leeway in promoting the public peace, specifically in rowdy, night-crowd bars. The proposal is said to lump in the act of cussing with a short list of other “questionable” practices which, if outlawed, would give police the exceptional berth they’d need for better crowd control.

Um, am I allowed to say “screw debate” or “this is fucking ridiculous?” Perhaps “pish-tosh” would be more appropriate. Our illustrious Bullet of My Pants once put it very succinctly. “You cannot make being an asshole against the law!”


Sunday, January 6, 2008

When will it END?
STOP House Resolution 888!

Who controls the past now, controls the future.
Who controls the present now, controls the past.
Who controls the past now, controls the future.
Who controls the present now?
-RATM "Testify"

H. RES. 888 Affirming the rich spiritual and religious history of our Nation's founding and subsequent history and expressing support for designation of the first week in May as `American Religious History Week' for the appreciation of and education on America's history of religious faith.

Thanks to vjack over at Atheist Revolution for the heads up on this. He's got a good template for a letter to your Representative and a number of links debunking the assertions of the Resolution.

This is not just a religious issue. This is a group trying to permanently insinuate its myths into American History. What's next on the Christian Revisionism Agenda? American Atheists has an Action Alert up to facilitate writing to your Representative here. If you're uncomfortable using the Atheist site, you can also go here. Please contact your Representative and ask him or her to oppose H. Res. 888. For all the good it will do.

Remember guys, this doesn't end until one group wins. Just because they're not coming for you now doesn't mean they won't.

Is this guy just stupid?

Anti-Military Lawyer Damages Marine's Car on Eve of Deployment - via

I got this in my weekly Snopes update, but the meat of it is from, blog of a former soldier.

The Chicago Tribune has a column on it, as well.

The gist is this:
Lawyer sees guy backing down a one way street. Lawyer sees military plates on car and becomes enraged. Lawyer keys Marine's car. Hilarity ensues.

Seriously, does this guy have absolutely no understanding of how things work these days? Attack an American soldier in an American city for the simple reason that he's a SOLDIER? The Internet is ripping this guy APART. His personal information has been posted. His website is down. His office phone numbers have been disconnected. His picture is everywhere so he probably can't even go outside.

I've fucked with cars for taking up too many parking spaces, blocking driveways and general asshat behavior, but I only move their mirrors. This guy caused substantial damage. Do his actions warrant this kind of response? Probably.