Sunday, February 24, 2008


It seems rather poetic that Mel "Mr. Ultra Passionate Orthodox Catholic Sugar-tits" Gibson keeps creating movies about how religion makes people superstitious, bloodthirsty savages.

I don't think for an instant that he's ever intended that.

This is, however, the second time he's done it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I think we can all relate...

Duty Calls

Mouse over the image for the full effect.

I emphatically recommend xkcd to anyone who hasn't found it, yet.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Why my cat would make a good Presidential Candidate

**So as not to clog the chaplain's serious post with any more of my silliness, I've moved this bit of wishful thinking over here.


I am of the strong opinion that my cat, Jasper would make a much better Republican nominee for President than those we have to choose from this year.
  • He is both black and white, thereby appealing to everyone (except yellow people, but a yellow cat having the capability to be president is so far-fetched as to be ridiculous; maybe Prime Minister or Attorney General)
His stand on the issues:



That's right, bitches!

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

drugs (8x) death (7x) abortion (4x) fuck (3x)

My new advice on arguing with Christians


Really, don't even bother. I've spent DAYS following and commenting on the saga of the "Atheists hate America" billboard in Pennsylvania. Over 90% of the comments are from atheists and freethinkers. It doesn't stop the idiots from making comments like:

  • Why do you hate God?
  • Why do you hate Christians?
  • If you used to be a Christian and now you're not then you weren't really a Christian.
  • I would suggest that The hindus, buddhists, communists, taoists, etc. do hate America just as the Atheists hate America

And my favorite:

  • Thus, when athiests fail to recognize God as the LORD, they are failing to have this nation blessed.
    What is the opposite of a blessing? A curse.
The articles are linked below.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I am afraid

I had a lot planned for the coming days. I've been putting together a rant about Louisiana going for Huckabee and the ridiculous influence of Protestants in this once Catholic state. I had a whole bunch of research done on the constitutions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the questions, "Do a people who will choose democratically to subjugate their own rights and the rights of others deserve democracy? Who gets to decide this and what are the alternatives?" I had a nice thing going related to this about that poor bastard in Afghanistan who may be put to death (probably not) simply for questioning women's rights under Islam.

But none of that matters. I just had a revelation, if you will, while watching a Barack Obama commercial that ran Friday night (Yay Tivo!). I had an acting teacher who called this sort of thing "startling realization of the obvious," and he wasn't saying that disparagingly. But if it's so obvious, then why can't anyone else see it? That's one of the reasons I started writing things down to begin with. If these ideas are so clear, then why is no one smarter than me having them?


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another Four Years of Winter

Today, I am so ashamed to be from and living in Louisiana.

More later.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just Tuesday

That's what today is everywhere else.

Happy Mardi Gras, y'all.

Laissez les bon temp rouler!

Monday, February 4, 2008

18 - 1

I have been away from posting too long. One reason is the amount of time I spend reading and commenting on other blogs. Stop being so compelling, you fucks! The other reason is that I am too tired to have "big thinks" for any longer than it takes to write a few sentences and by the time I get something together it's way overdue. And with my free time, I generally play video games.

That being said, I am posting today because I hate the fucking Patriots. Watching them not only lose but just get dominated by the Giants D was more satisfying than any football game this season. I loved seeing Brady hit the ground. I loved seeing Bill "Crybaby" Belichick leave his team on the field with 1 second left. I loved seeing both of these sore losers mumble and grumble and not say anything positive about the team that just outplayed them. I loved that no one got to be perfect. I loved that the cheaters couldn't win it all. I absolutely love that Bostonians get so pissed that their important, Puritan, heart-of-the-revolution city is regularly ignored in favor of an island the Dutch, the DUTCH, stole off a bunch of Indians. And I love that the football team from that island just beat the piss out of the Patriots.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Urban Fat

Okay, my bad idea to combat the American obesity epidemic is to make all the one-way streets also apply to pedestrians.

My bad idea to end the War in Iraq is to allow it to apply to be our 51st state.

My bad idea to combat global climate change is to have violent crime convicts on work furlough shave all the polar bears.

My bad idea to fix American health care is to have Canada forcefully annex the U.S. while our troops are overseas.

My bad idea to strengthen the economy is to implement an I.R.S. lottery in which everybody who pays a little more in taxes is entered to win the eternal right never to pay any more income tax at all.

My bad idea to solve illegal immigration is to spread cartoon pushpins over the Arizona desert.

...and my bad idea to have readers take me more seriously...write less seriously.