Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Can someone tell me when it will stop hurting?

My best friend, displaced to Maine, the poor bastard, these 32 long months, sent me a great shirt for my birthday. I'm not exactly sure when we started giving each other birthday presents. I think the last one I got from him was a Wolverine poster when I turned 16. Yeah, I still have it.

Anyway this is the shirt:
Now, those of you who are not from Louisiana and not on intimate terms with the history of this great state will probably not understand why this is so fucking funny. Even knowing the facts of it all will not let you in on the joke, but I will try to explain it as best I can.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Expelled opening weekend

Anybody have plans for some Expelled protesting? I'll be at our local hick movie theater with this shirt

and handing out "15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense" from Scientific American.


A little intimidating...

I just discovered Google Analytics. I don't fully understand all of the terms and numbers yet, but apparently a lot of people are actually visiting this site. A lot more than I thought, anyway. I'm sure people are bouncing over here from a comment on one of the real blogs and then disappear, but it's nice to know that stuff is being seen. Even when that stuff is as ridiculous as most of the posts here.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Friendly Atheist just got WANGED by Eric Zorn over at the Chicago Tribune.

I've been a fan of his since the 2006 NFC Championship, even though I've been to Chicago three times for a total of eight days* and have never lived anywhere close.

Nice going, Eric! Friendly Athiest should get a nice increase in traffic with this.

*And will NEVER RETURN. Click that link to see why. Be sure to reserve a block of time to read those comments.

UPDATE 5:50 PM Apparently, the wanging is complete. You can access Friendly Atheist once more.

Kind of like the School of Theatre

Convincing Pick-Up Line

With apologies to the artist: I've altered the mouse-over text to fit this post. It also happens to be true.
To see the original, click the picture.

  1. What's the best thing about being an actor?
  2. What's the worst thing about being an actor?


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

(One of) My Problem(s)

Here's the deal. I don't want to be serious. I hate being serious. It feels like I've had to be nothing but serious since August 29, 2005*. Like if I wasn't, it would be some kind of betrayal or defection from what's still happening around me. Melodramatic? Maybe, but there it is.

I want to be silly. Comedians are the prophets of our age, but that's not why. I like to laugh, especially (my wife says) at my own brilliance. In the School of Theatre, my friends would anticipate my presence in the audience with either dread or relief but for the same reason. My laugh. I don't just laugh. I have been likened to a hyena on more than one occasion. My brother is embarrassed to sit next to me in a movie. I laugh with my whole body and my whole heart. I have received the scowls of the old matinee ladies and their admonitions: "You should be more respectful of the actors."

A quick aside on the matinee ladies: The Cherry Orchard is a farce. It's fucking hilarious. Americans are just being stupid when they imagine it as post-modern tragedy. Nordic melancholy is dark and tragic; Russian melancholy is fucking funny.
